Sunday, November 21, 2010

Common Diabetes Myths – Part 1

The reality is that diabetes is something serious. It can be hard on the families because they are called to cope with an array of adjustments that will mostly be permanent for the rest of their lives.

It will only be appropriate for the diabetic or people who might get the disease to know and discover the facts behind the disease. There are different things that ever person should know regarding the disease and here are just some of the myths that this articles wishes to dispel:

Myth 1: Whatever a diabetic does to take care of his condition, if he or she has had diabetes for years, complications will ultimately happen.

The different mechanisms that causes complications in diabetics have not yet been understood. And what’s more is the degree to which they develop greatly differs from individual to individual. The only tried and tested method by which one can reduce the risk of developing complications is a rigid control of one’s sugar intake although this particular method still remains unpredictable. Research shows that there are some people who have a genetic predisposition towards complications of type 1 diabetes.

Myth 2: Diabetics cannot engage in exercise

Some people think that if you have diabetes, you are automatically forbidden to engage in athletics. Quite the contrary. The opposite is actually true. If a person has diabetes, it is very important that the person engages in regular exercises. The physical fitness of a person who has diabetes is very important and it has been known to help lower one’s blood sugar level and maintain them in the proper range.

History is littered with popular and timeless examples of people who have had tremendous success even though they were diagnosed as diabetics. A few examples of these people are Olympic Gold Medalist swimmer, Gary Hall and hockey legend Bobby Clarke. Therefore the myth that people with diabetes shouldn’t exercise at all does not have any truth with it.

Myth 3: Only children can have Type 1 Diabetes

Whoever said that children are the only ones which can have type 1 diabetes or "juvenile onset" diabetes did not have their facts straight. While it is true that juvenile diabetes is more commonly first diagnosed in young adults, children and teenagers, it is still possible that people may develop Type 1 diabetes at any age.

Myth 4: Children are unable to get Type 2 Diabetes

This is the myth at the other end of the spectrum of the above myth. Even though type 2 diabetes is ordinarily diagnosed in adults, a diabetes epidemic which is caused increased obesity have led to young adults and children under 10 years old having type 2 diabetes. However, the more regular form of diabetes that children will get is type 1 diabetes.

These are just some of the myths that most people know about this particular disease. It is important that people know the truth and get their facts straight so that they would be able to properly respond to the disease and act accordingly towards fighting it.

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